Entries by admin

All my issues will go away right?

A customer calls me and says man my company is having all kinds of issues. Everything is going wrong. We are losing money and I can’t keep employees on the job. Covid is making everything harder than it use to be. I really need some help. I need some kind of estimating program, bidding software, […]

Electrical Estimating Pre-Game Strategies

Get your pre-game together This post is for electrical estimators that may be just a little nervous when they start to price electrical work. That can be a good thing, at least it means you care about the results and quality of your bid.Ok you have electrical estimating software and you have on-screen takeoff software to fall back […]

Wiring by the Sq. Ft. Seriously?

Don’t be fooled to price your work based on Sq. Ft prices that are set by people working out of their home with no insurance. Residential Electrical work is not a great way to make money. Being forced to price by a Sq. Ft. number in lieu of actual cost.

Electrical Estimating-How did we get here?

Electrical Estimating- How Did We get Here? The days of pen and paper with lots of luck thrown in. Thirty years ago electrical contractors had no choice but to run their businesses the old-fashioned way by using pen and paper, writing down endless list of material and using their calculator Electrical Estimating Software s to […]