Entries by admin

Job Tracking-Making Money After the Bid

You won the project but that is just the start. One of the most overlooked tasks in electrical contracting is Job Tracking. Smaller electrical contractors, just getting their electrical shop open, are overwhelmed with all the things that they have never had experienced being an electrician in the field. The list can be sobering, to say the least. License, insurance, Taxes, Payroll, OSHA rules, […]

I only missed (2) lights. What is the big deal?

I only missed (2) light fixtures no big deal, right? The overlooked estimator As estimators, we will never be perfect and from time to time we will miss something. We do our best to get it right and weigh our time spent VS cranking out enough estimates to please the boss. Not everyone understands the […]

The Lost Art of Electrical Estimating

The lost art of estimating
In today’s computer age we have become custom to just pushing buttons and living with the results.
The art of actually entering our knowledge along with the computer generated results has long been forgotten. Shorter bid dates, having to produce more estimates than ever before, are some of the issues we face each day. Detailed electrical estimating seems to be a lost art.

The 15 must of a good leader.

s Most people define leadership differently but “A leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” No matter how you define a leader, they can be a difference-maker between success and failure.In business, your goal should be to become successful. Once you understand that you become successful not only impacts you, your […]

How to Run a Successful Electrical Contracting Business.

How to Run a Successful Electrical Business Becoming a successful Electrical Contractor does not just happen. You aren’t born with Electrical Estimating skills or knowing the perfect electrical estimating software. The good news is there are people that are willing to help. Check out bestbidestimating.com. Many electricians decide to go into business for themselves. After […]

Independent Best Bid 5 Star Reviews- Electrical Estimating Software

Paul from Abernathy Electrical Services Company Size: 2-10 employees Industry: Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Time Used: Less than 6 months Review Source  Ease-of-use 5.0 Value for money 5.0 Customer support 5.0 Functionality 5.0 December 2018 Simple To Use- The Complete Package As an electrical educator, I have taught over 40,000 students in my time. When I talk estimating to folks I want […]