This could be the most important article that you will ever read pertaining to your Electrical Contracting Career. After all you will fail or succeed based on your ability to estimate.
Your ability to estimate will large be accomplished by what electrical estimating software you use.
Why should you purchase the Best Bid Hybrid Pro?
When you started your search for electrical estimating software you thought it would be easy right? Just Google “electrical estimating software” and “vwah-LAH”, issue solved?
Well you may or may not know the top (4) spots and the last (3) spots on the first page of Google are paid possessions and may not even apply to your search term at all. These spots are costly and guess who pays that cost?– Correct, the user. Then there are so many choices where do you start?
Let us help you make that important decision.
You want a “fully automated electrical estimating software” that does the work for you and not just a shopping cart style product where you just pick and choose each item from a database.
You also want to stay away from cloud based software that is only designed to take your money for LIFE. Your cost will increase as you get more involved and If the internet goes down or there is a server issue you are out of luck. As more uses sign up the cost of the servers has to increase and again you pay the price.
With Best Bid, you own the software from day one with no additional fees EVER and best of all you will not have to rely on the internet to use your software. Our only focus is ELECTRICAL and helping Electrical Contractors like you move from pen and paper to computer estimating.
- The Best Bid Hybrid Pro is less than $2,000.00 which is 1/3 the cost of any software that comes close to the same caliber of performance.
- The Best Bid Hybrid Pro comes with its on On-Screen Takeoff module that is actually built inside the software keeping you from having to use another product and hoping that they pare well.
- It also comes with unlimited license. You can load your software on all of your computers for no additional charge.
- It also comes with FREE Technical Support.
- We include life-Time Updates.
- Training is always free.
- Zero Percent Financing is available if needed.
- The question is not can I afford to own the Best Bid Hybrid Pro but can I afford not to?
So as far as PRICE no one offers a better deal or even comes close, but price is only part of shopping.
The Best Bid Hybrid Pro was created with the electrical contractor in mind.
We use simple to understand screens and electrical terminology so you want feel lost.
The software was created by electrical contractors that needs were not met by conventional estimating products that were available.
Many electrical estimating software were built with older technology which creates numerous complicated screens to navigate through, requires more entries, more choices to be selected, and provides less information. The results you get are written in stone and cannot be modified. Some are just shopping carts to pick items from that doesn’t help much or save time. They were built by software developers that just don’t think like electrical contractors or actually know our needs.
The Best Bid Hybrid Pro comes standard with a built in On-Screen Takeoff module and a removable database. If there were no other features but these two that would be reason enough to separate us from 95% of the competition.
Start an estimate at home and finish it at the office or save all you settings and estimates in a safe place with just 1 click. Never loose you work again. How cool is that?
Obviously there are many more special features makes Best Bid better than most. The Best Bid Hybrid Pro is always changing to keep up with the times while keeping simplicity in mind. We know you are just like we were, looking for a simple yet accurate way to bid more work in less time without having to go to school to learn a new software. The Best Bid Hybrid Pro is an extremely advanced electrical estimating software that you can completely control the results. It comes with default settings- that we like to use- but you can personalize it to make it a completely different product. Speed, accuracy , yet simple to use and understand and is the whole Best Bid concept.
At Best Bid we work on the 5 step principle.
Select the button
Select New
Enter Quantities
Select Save
Review your results
It really can’t get easier than that.
Create and save Custom groups of items to be used on future estimates.
Add items or a whole new category of items to the unlimited database
Change pricing on the fly or substitute one item for another either 1 time or throughout the entire estimate.
Copy an existing estimate of a similar project to use as a starting point.
Just about any kind of report imaginable is at your fingertips.
Review the Assembly Summary and you have your schedule of values already set up.
Use the Proposal Master to create the perfect proposal with inclusions and exclusions to cover you.
Automatically create feeders by just selecting the size.
The Best Bid Hybrid Pro has the ability to adjust the material and labor up or down for every sheet. Not just column 1,2,and 3 either but by any percentage you need. Adjust one sheet for difficulty and not affect the entire estimate. You can also change the assembly quantity from 1 to any number duplicating your results . This is a big advantage when estimating Hotels, Apartments , or any project with duplicating assemblies.
Assign your man hours to any labor rate that you desire or break it up into as many categories as you would like to use. You have complete control of your labor.
Material Price Updates
All material comes with pricing but you will need to manage your pricing from time to time.
You can self- manage your pricing by getting conduit and wire sheets from your supply house and monitoring the cost, or you may elect to use a pricing service. We are affiliated with NetPricer and Real Time Pricing.
Technical Support
We offer the best electrical bid software and tech support of any software company.
At Best Bid we are not just sales people we are fulltime estimators and electrical contractors. We know how to help you.
I would like to stop and say as I have grown to know this company over the past few years.
I love this company!
There is no one that goes out of the way to help their customers more than Best Bid,
There really is no reason not to purchase the Best Bid Hybrid Pro– They are the leader in every category.
Before I forget . Best Bid now has open enrollment for their On-Line School for Electrical Estimating.
You call and get signed up now.