Entries by admin

Estimating Classes

We will be starting a new class soon on Electrical Estimating. Let us know if interested in joining. Just a few things not to forget! Electrical Specifications: Very important. Reading the specifications will determine your scope of work and what your bid price is based upon. It is important that the General Conditions of the […]

Accura Cadd by Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software

We have just added a new overlay feature to the Accura Cadd making a fantastic product even better. Make drawings from scratch, use it for As-Builds, check for changes in new drawings. This is a great addition to any electrical estimating software. bestbidestimating.com Accura Cadd PDF Draw by Best Bid Ask us for free electrical […]

Best Bid –Always first with Free Electrical Estimating Help

Best Bid Estimating and Takeoff Solutions offers comprehensive Windows-based electrical contracting estimating software for commercial, industrial and residential contractors. Best Bid offers three levels of estimating programs – Best Bid –Best Bid Hybrid-Best Bid Hybrid Pro. Each level serves a particular set of contractors, from individual contractors and small service firms to multi-million dollars contracting […]

Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software

Best Bid Estimating & On-Screen Takeoff Solutions.

  • Fast – Reduce electrical estimating time in half.
  • Simple – Use Wizards to easily add material. Just add quantities.
  • Accurate – See exact project cost on the electrical estimate summary.
  • Professional – Impress your customers with award winning proposals. The best Proposals tool on the market.
  • Electrical pricing software also includes material prices of thousands of items. Link to NetPricer or Realtime Pricing.
  • Learn to use our electrical estimating software with fast-start online training videos.
  • Priced less than any software on the market.

800-941-7028 www.bestbidestimating.com

Free Estimating Help #7

Continued from Free Electrical Estimating Help #6 Estimating HVAC in Electrical Estimating HVAC Equipment Schedule Next, look to see if you have access to the HVAC equipment schedule to determine what kind of units will be installed. Some of the different types may be as follows: Split Systems, which would have an air handler and […]

Free Estimating Trainning #6

Free Electrical Estimating Training #6 Estimating Electrical Projects does not have to be hard. Continued from lesson #5 Specifications Read the specifications carefully to determine the type of raceway and fittings you will be using. Record the required device types along with the corresponding faceplates. When applying your assembly, if you are including the complete […]

Free Estimating Trainning #5

Free Estimating Trainning # 5 Continued from lesson # 4 Identifying Difficulty Factors to Adjust Your Man-Hours   A. N = Normal – Installation of 2 x 4 troffers in a lay-in ceiling 9 feet tall or less. B. M = Moderate – Installation of recessed lights in a lay-in ceiling 9 feet tall or […]

Free Estimating Training #4

Free Electrical Estimating Training #4   Continued from Lesson #3 **Tip** Over the years, it’s important to remember that no matter how skilled the employees are, two people will not do twice the work of one person, and four people will not perform twice as much work as two people, and so on. **Sub Quotes:** […]

Electrical Estimating Software – Tips and Tricks

Someone once pointed out to me that I spend more time on the phone teaching estimating practices and answering questions about estimating than I do almost anything else. So, it seemed like the right thing to do was to just place all of the conversations and questions in a video, so everyone could benefit from […]

Advantages of Electrical Estimating Software

Throughout the past years, the use of electrical estimating software has become popular particularly among electrical contractors. They are used by small, medium, and large-scale electrical businesses. This software comes with features and capabilities designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the bidding, which profoundly impacts the success of a company. Importance of Electrical […]