Electrical Estimating Software

Electrical estimators rely on specialized software to streamline their work and produce accurate project bids. These tools help calculate material costs, labor expenses, and overhead while ensuring nothing is overlooked. Among the most popular options is Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software, which is designed specifically for electrical contractors to simplify estimating and improve bid accuracy.


Why Do Some Electrical Estimators Seem to Win All the Work?

If you’ve ever wondered why some estimators consistently secure projects, it’s not just luck. Success in electrical estimating boils down to four key factors.

1. Electrical Estimating Is a Skill

Just like any other profession, electrical estimating requires practice, dedication, and understanding of the craft. Think of it like athletes who excel at their sport—it takes consistent effort to improve. If you’re not passionate about electrical estimating, it will be hard to reach a high level of expertise. Greatness takes time and effort.

2. Understanding the Basics is Crucial

How to become an Electrical Estimator - Salary, Qualifications, Skills &  Reviews – SEEK

Estimating electrical projects isn’t about guessing or using square footage as your only guide. This approach can lead to costly mistakes. Successful estimators take the time to fully understand how to break down an estimate properly. This includes learning the step-by-step process for outlining an estimate and diving into all the details that contribute to the final cost. If you’re unsure how to start, consider taking a course, like the one offered by Best Bid Electrical Estimating, to build a solid foundation.

3. Know Your Costs

One of the biggest challenges for electrical estimators is understanding their company’s costs. Many don’t know their labor burden or how much overhead they need to cover. To succeed, you must understand three things:

  • How much overhead your company requires.
  • The profit you need to sustain your business.
  • How much work you need to win to stay profitable.

Without this knowledge, your estimates will miss the mark, and your business may struggle.

4. Master Electrical Estimating Software

The one thing all top-performing electrical estimators share is their mastery of electrical estimating software. Tools like Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software are essential for creating accurate, detailed bids. Think of it like a quarterback mastering their throwing skills—practice and familiarity with your software can make all the difference in your success.



Success in electrical estimating comes down to skill, knowledge, understanding costs, and leveraging the right tools. If you want to take your estimating to the next level, consider Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software. It could be the game-changer your business needs.

Ready to improve your estimates? Visit our pricing page to get started today.