Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software

We’re not just better – We’re the best !

All Best Bid Software Comes With :

We can help you with your electrical estimating needs.
Best Bid offers Estimating Software and an On-Line School for Electrical Estimating.
We can teach you how to estimate or estimate better.


We also offer Freelance Estimating services along with Freelance Drafting

When a project comes along and you just don’t have time to get to it, we can help. We estimate projects of any size. We can perform an estimate on your project and provide you with the material and man-hours needed to install it. If you are not comfortable bidding a project but would still love to have it on the books we may be the answer that you are looking for. Send us your PDF and we will provide you a cost to have us estimate it for you. Whether we perform all of your estimates or just a few a year, Best Bid Estimating Services will give your project the attention it needs. All of our electrical estimators have been estimating electrical projects for at least 20 years. We can help grow your business.

We also do Freelance Drafting. We can do your As-Built drawings or completely draw the electrical for a tenant space. We can offer lighting and power designs on design and build projects or just provide advice.

Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software is here to help with all of your electrical estimating needs.

If you have an immediate need for an estimate, please email us your plans or send the link to for a quick cost to provide a professional electrical estimate.

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