Best Bid was created many years ago out of necessity. Our electrical company had a need to producing more estimates, in less time, than our present software could produce. We ended up creating several hundred pages of Excel spread sheets and this was actually some better than what was on the market at the time. Missing from this spread sheet compilation was clean reports and flexibility that real software could provide.
So step one, was we took our existing software and made a wish list of what was just obviously wrong, noted the errors, and what additions we would like to see that would make the software more like what we needed. Being naïve, we wrote the software company and ask them what it would cost to add these features to their existing product. When they stopped laughing they replied more than you could afford.We were expecting to pay much more than the software originally cost so as true as that statement might have been we were quite offended.
So we spent the next year laying out software that would suit our needs. It is harder than you think especially when you understand electrical but you are very lost at creating software. At year end we had a story board and every page laid out. The web is full of software engineers so getting the software produced should be easy right? We had 1 proposal in 6 months and it was $890,000.00 and this was just a budget. We went back to our spread sheet system, smoothed out the edges while spending the next year learning how to program. We turned this into our first product. People that came into our office seemed impressed with this system and offers to purchase it started to come in.
Many contractors still use this today and are still very happy with it.
As we grew–and so did our needs–we hired master estimator Steve Griffin to design the next product. What was birthed from this collaboration was the Best Bid Electrical Estimating Software. What a fantastic product which changed the direction of computer estimating. Steve approached us with his estimating team headed by Mr. Le with the idea of the Best Bid Hybrid pro.